About Us
Kary James Ghali

Kary James Ghali CPA, CGA has worked in indirect tax for over 20 years. For the first 7 years he worked in various areas of the CRA (Revenue Canada). As one of the original GST auditors hired for the then new tax he was involved in some of the more complex industry audits such as financial services, transportation (airline, railroad), NPO's and charities. He also participated and led EDP audits of the largest registrants before moving to the Appeals Section where he dealt with Notices of Objection. He was then appointed to the GST/HST Litigation Section. Prior to leaving the CRA, he was responsible for all the GST/HST Tax Court of Canada Appeals in the Pacific Region.

As the Principal Keytax consultant, Kary has successfully represented clients in the audit and objection stage in GST/HST and in all the Canadian Provincial Sales Taxes (BC PST, Quebec Sales Tax, Manitoba, Saskatchewan PST, Ontario and the Maritime Provinces). He has also represented clients in Sales and Use Tax audits in numerous US States. Kary has helped clients file their GST Appeals in the Tax Court of Canada. His experience of looking at transactions from different viewpoints has helped create and expand numerous opportunities for saving his clients indirect taxes.